
Monday, 19 August 2013

REAL WIFE STORIES: Suck For My Silence

Have you ever watched a porno the whole way through, including the talking bits? No, me neither. I don't suppose anyone has. This is what happens when you do...

About our star:

I like Jenni Lee, she seems nice. She doesn't seem like someone born to star in pornos. While she is definitely hot, she is hot in a classical, small-breasted kind of way. She has a pretty face and does not even seem to be particularly dumb. If she hadn't been molested as a child she might have become a secretary at a high-price law firm sucking off the partners during lunch break, or working the counter in Selfridges or something classy like that. She has a tattoo of a sun-God above her snatch and when you look closely her face shows signs of spunkne (conjunctive term for acne resulting from jizzface) but other than that, she seems largely unspoiled by her life of grime.

Fun google fact: Jenni Lee discovered at a young age that she was born with absolute zero gag reflex. None! Nada! No matter what Jenni Lee shoves down her throat, and she's had a lot of stuff down there, she never suffers from involuntary regurgitation. It is unclear if this is the next step in human evolution, or just a lucky coincidence.

About our co-stars:

Some dudes.


We find Jenni Lee in the kitchen, messing with some vegetables. She's not shoving cucumbers up her snatch, she's chopping peppers and roughing up lettuces. She's making a salad.

A guy approaches from behind, opens her dressing gown and starts feeling her up. It seems they are acquainted. If she's the eponymous Real Wife I imagine this guy is the Real Husband. He enquires about what time is my food is gonna be ready woman and mentions that he's invited a mate of his, Kieran, over for dinner. Jenni doesn't seem pleased about this. We're detecting that she isn't fond of this Kieran character. But what's she gonna do? The husband is rich, judging by the house, and she's got to keep him on side.

"Good girl," he says patronisingly, slaps her arse and exits stage right.

Bitch immediately gets on her phone and calls Kieran. He's a smug fuck. They do a cut-away to his office and he swings around in his executive chair and sneers at the camera like he's Blofeld or something. Jenni Lee is suspicious of this guy. She feels he's up to something. It's probably his English accent. We're not all Alan Rickman!

Turns out she has more legitimate reasons. Kieran encountered Jenni at a restaurant the previous night having dinner with an "old friend". Translation, Jenni Lee has been caught doing the dirty on her sap husband and is naturally concerned that Kieran is going to cause trouble. He denies this and the call ends quite amicably, but what Jenni Lee does not know, what only we are privy to, is that when she hangs up Kieran looks sneeringly at the phone and says, "You cheating cunt!"

Good situation! Feel the drama! We are 1m26s in. This porno is 32m39s long.

Jenni Lee re-appears in a sexy pink mini-dress, dolled up for dinner. We watch her walk down the stairs and are invited to look up her skirt. It seems that she has forgotten to put on her undercrackers. Probably due to the stress of Kieran's devious intentions.

There is a knock on the door. "That must be Kieran," observes the sap husband. "I'll let him in!" says Jenni anxiously, and we watch her arse sashay to the door. It's a nice arse. I prefer Jenni Lee's arse to a lot of girl's face. Kieran thinks so too, first thing he does is cop a hold of it and she squirms awkwardly until the sap husband breaks up the party. He doesn't suspect anything. He doesn't know that his wife is a cheating cunt.

They all sit down for dinner. This is the situation:

The guy on the left is the sap husband, the guy on the right is Kieran. Kieran immediately begins chatting about the restaurant he went to last night, "Have you ever been there, Jenni?" he asks innocently. "No Kieran, I have not." Lying cunt!

Kieran takes advantage of the break in conversation to reach a sneaky hand under the table, run it up Jenni Lee's leg and start playing hunt the thimble in her vag. Her face is a picture! She would prefer her vagina un-fingered but cannot figure a method of extraction that would not put the husband on alert. You can see her running various scenarios through her head, but it takes her a minute to come to the simple expedient of standing up. She excuses herself to the kitchen to check on dessert. Kieran says he needs the toilet, and follows her. Sap husband continues stuffing his face. Greedy hog.

We're back in the kitchen and Jenni Lee is again approached from behind. This happens a lot to her, but on this occasion, it's Kieran. She struggles but he is too strong. "If I'd of known what a cheating cunt you were," he says, forcing her down onto her knees, "I'd of done this ages ago."

He inserts his knob into her mouth-hole and she sucks it quite accommodatingly, only breaking off now and again to answer her husband's calls from the next room. He's cleared his plate and is wondering after his pudding. Jenni Lee hasn't finished her main course yet.

Jenni drops some oats and nose-bag off with the sap husband, and then unaccountably follows Kieran upstairs. They spend the next 26 minutes fucking. One assumes the husband is a slow eater. Also deaf. There is a fair old racket going on what with Kieran shouting "Am I better than your husband?" and Jenni telling him to shut up with one breath and then squealing with pleasure the next.

It ends with a flourish, and Kieran paints a giant snowflake across her face. "I fucking hate you," says Jenni, but it doesn't stop her wiping spunk from her cheek, and putting it in her mouth.


I don't know how you feel about rape, I've always been against it personally. It's one of those things in society which are not technically illegal but are frowned upon, like picking your nose and wiping it on a train seat. "Suck for my silence" treads the rape line. Jenni Lee does not at any point give the firm and unequivocal "nolle prosequi" that wilts my personal boner. She doesn't start crying or physically fighting off Kieran's lecherous intrusions but still, you know, she wasn't down for getting boned. She was coerced.


Bearsy's Rating: I give it 3 bones out of 5! I enjoyed the storyline and thought Jenni Lee did a terrific job with her role. I also admired the cinematography. On the other hand, no anal.

Duration: 32:39 (srsly)

Where can I watch this filth: Google it yourself yo! I can't do all the work.


  1. Wonderful, please do more

    1. Good to know you were perusing Bearsy's maunderings about some grotty jizz-flick on the anniversary of the Twin Towers attacks. Class always outs. ;)
