
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Scouting Report: Norwich City

"We are not a Noddy club!"

The Manager

When the Great Scandal breaks and all Premier League Managers are sent to prison, it is little Chrissy Hughton that will suffer most. One fears for him. Some managers like Martin Jol and Sam Allardyce will make the transition with little difficulty. Chrissy Hughton will be forced into a life of servitude and sexual abuse.

When Davey Moyes needs his socks darned it is Little Chrissy Hughton that he will call upon. When Malky "Mister" Mackay grows lonely on a cold winter's night it is Little Chrissy Hughton that the prison guards will find battered, bloodied and bent over a washing machine in the prison laundry. When Brendan Rogers wants a date for the Dartmoor Summer Ball it will be Little Chrissy Hughton dressed up in evening gown and suspenders.

One can only hope that the Guvnor will put Chrissy Hughton into solitary for his own protection. Even then he will be viciously traumatised and unable to control his basic bodily functions. He certainly won't be having any clean sheets, but then he's used to that.

One to watch

A wolf's penis has a large knot in it. During ejaculation the knot keeps the penis inside Mrs.Wolf, or the secretary wolf at work, or next-door's cat or whoever the wolf happens to be knobbing. This ensures that the wolf ejaculates as much as possible inside his victim and so it doesn't get all over the bed sheets or whatever.

The other interesting thing about a wolf's penis is that it has an actual bone in it. Darwin designed it this way so that wolf would not have difficulty getting hard if his bird was a dog, so to speak.

Top Wag

Delia prepares a Christmas Spit-Roast

Norwich City Christmas Party, 2012

The great hall was apparently deserted. Plated meals sat half-eaten on gilded tables, chairs were thrown back and overturned. Abandoned cutlery glistened beneath flickering disco lights. Under tables and behind curtains, the players of Norwich City Football Club cowered and hid.

The doors were thrown back and Delia Smith stumbled drunkenly into the hall. "Where are you?" she slurred, stalking between the tables. She slid a hand down into her ample nylons and fingered her pussy. "Let's be having you!". Little Jonny Howson, curled in the frame of a bass drum, trembled and crossed himself.

Delia stumbled into the gent's toilets and began rattling cubicle doors. "Where are you?" she growled huskily. The last door she met with the heft of her ample frame, the lock snapped and it flung back. Delia glowered down on a youth team player as he sat perched on the toilet seat, clutching his ankles and with widened eyes like a startled gazelle. "Let's be having you," growled Delia, hitching up her skirts.

Famous Fans

Stephen Fry is most famous for inventing twitter, he did this because no-one needs more than 140 characters to call him a smug cunt.

I read a book of his once, I don't remember what it was called but it was about a teenage boy who fucked a horse. It might of been his autobiography or something. The most disturbing thing was not that a teenage boy fucked a horse but that Fry's description of the event gave me a boner. I like to think that this is because of the high quality of his prose, and not due to any previously unsuspected preference of my own for bumming ponies.

Other famous fans include Jake Humphries, Hugh Jackman and Sir David Frost. Norwich probably also have some straight fans but my researches didn't extend that far.

Fun Facts

"The Canaries" is the softest of all Premier League nick-names, with the possible exception of "Cottagers".

When the great floods come, Norwich will be the first to go. One more reason to keep buying 60w light bulbs.

Things people say about Norwich

"Living in Norwich is not just a way of life. Norwich is an attitude."   - Alan Partridge


  1. I have just opened my fourth saints web mong forum membership in honour of this investigation.

  2. Why, when I typed "Delia Smith Cunt" into Google, did I get redirected here? This is not what I wanted at all...

  3. Biggest load of shit I've read on the internet in a long long time! Not even remotely funny.

  4. Awful. Not even funny in1999 - which is obvious where this article came from.

  5. Bring back Deppo, at least he was funny...

  6. Fantastic, what a bear.

  7. My mum had cancer. And that was funnier than this.

  8. Aren't you a West Brom fan?

  9. zzzzzzzzzzzzz boring, you're just a small town In Portsmouth

  10. Delia made me do spudding on her once. True story.

  11. Yass, I tried her her dumplings once, bit crusty !

  12. LET'S BE 'AVIN YOU... Filthy bitch

  13. Cannot believe I just read right through such a pile of crap like this! Get a job.

  14. Vegetable rights and peace!

  15. Pitch forks and torches at the ready boys!

  16. Actually quite funny..


  17. Norwich fan and I actually found it pretty funny! Great banter for Saturday. The Saints isn't that macho a nickname anyway!

    1. You have a talking point there! I was thinking that Saint George was pretty hard, slaying dragons & whatnot, but on the other hand Saint Nicholas would be in trouble with the Savile enquiry. Either of them could take a canary though!

  18. I dunno how Norwich fans are gaining access to this confidential Scouting Report - they are prepared exclusively for the Southampton FC management team - but I can totally sympathise! I tried to scout Southampton for balance, but I found the report crude, tasteless and grammatically questionable!

  19. Excellent and informative report Brian, I made my translator read the bit about pussy fingering 3 times so that I had a good feeling for this Delia sort. Tell me, will she be at the game, I should very much like to meet her in person so that I may inspect her flaps.
    Do not feel bad that horse porn gives you the horn, I myself read the same book by Mr. Fry, and it made me spunk my pants.




    1. Oh hi Mauricio! Glad you are taking this tactical advice on board!

      Delia will definitely be there, but I prob wouldn't expect her to start. Word of warning tho, she'll probably invite you and a few of the lads round for a "Sunday Roasting". I'm not saying you shouldn't accept, but just be clear what you're letting yourself in for.

      Regards and best wishes for Saturday,

      Bearsy xx

  20. barclay seats 48/4929 August 2013 at 10:39

    I thought it was very amusing ...but wonder how you know so much about Delia ? I thought that was just local knowledge ,, famous fans should have included Alpha Papa of course !

  21. Haha, quality reporting sir! Can't shake that horrible image of Delia as a predatory gilf though.. ..

    NCFC Fan.

    PS Fingers crossed for a good game on saturday with NO dodgy ref decisions. I like Soton, being run the right way like us and Swansea. Best of luck for the season, hope we stuff you on saturday though, obviously.

  22. Very informative stuff Bearsy, and must be true because it's on the internet

  23. omg v.funny i spat carrot all over computer screen yo!

    NCFC Fan, srsly

  24. Thanks for the 3 points. Clown.

    1. Don't be that way! If we couldn't win I'm glad Norwich did instead! They would of been my second choice!

  25. Probably the funniest thing i've ever read
